依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 族群教育、一般教育  
作者 梁蒨
學校系所 國立臺北教育大學幼兒與家庭教育學系碩士班
地點 全臺 全部  


The purpose of this study is to explore indigenous Taiwanese teachers'' challenges and adaptation process of culturally responsive teaching in the key indigenous elementary schools in Atayal course. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and field observation. The findings are as follows:
1. Indigenous teachers'' strategies of curriculum adaptation
Indigenous teachers enhance their professional knowledge by personal and social knowledge management strategies, so that they can equip themselves with more knowledge of Atayal culture and instructional techniques for teaching.
The most difficult part of culturally responsive teaching in the Atayal course is to comprehend curriculum content and choose suitable instructional techniques.Indigenous teachers learn more about Atayal culture and culturally responsive teaching through knowledge management strategies, such as E-learning, document searching,interviews, team teaching, teaching portfolios, peer discussion, workshops and school visits. Indigenous teachers consider learning Atayal culture important and they acknowledge the philosophy of the Atayal courses as well. Indigenous teachers need to improve their professional knowledge and competence.
2. Competencies indigenous teachers need for Atayal courses
Indigenous teachers require competencies in cultural knowledge, culturally responsive teaching, tribal language, knowledge management, Atayal course philosophy, cultural sensitivity, communication and cooperation.
3. The local parent-teacher relationship
Indigenous teachers become familiar with parents through communication softwares, going into the communities and good communicative skills. Some parents do not realize the importance of their children learning Atayal culture; therefore, indigenous teachers keep communicating with the parents and try to help them to understand and accept not only the philosophy of the Atayal courses, but also the curriculum content and how the lessons are executed.