依類型 族群 主題   
2014.03.01 ~ 2014.03.31
族群: 撒奇萊雅族   
主題: 歲時祭儀、學術研究、報紙期刊  
作者 陳俊男
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報4卷1期頁127-150
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 全臺 全部  

撒奇萊雅族的Palamal,在一般人的眼光,是一個非傳統的儀式活動,但是從內容來看,卻發現有許多傳統祭祀祖靈的文化因子存在。babalaki nu ditu(祖靈)在撒奇萊雅族裡是非常重要的祭祀對象,其象徵緬懷祖先的意義。撒奇萊雅族的mapalaway(巫覡),已逐漸凋零,許多儀式幾已淡忘,但年輕的族人隨著Palamal 的舉行,開始學習這些文化以及語言,也逐漸找回認同感與自信心,從阿美族人轉登記成撒奇萊雅族人的人數愈來愈多,就可以看出端倪。

This article describes the procedure of Palamal, the ritual of Sakizaya. Sakizaya is one of Taiwan''s Austronesian peoples. They had been recognized from Amis by Taiwan''s government in 2007. The Palamal is held on the first Saturday of October every year. The Palamal isn''t a traditional ritual,it is similer to worshiping ancestry. Sakizaya used to worship ancestry, they also worship parents and grandparents parents when they died after several months. Today, Sakizaya has not held the ritual worshiping ancestry. No one has been the mapalaway celebrating and guiding the ritual worshiping ancestry. Young people of Sakizaya have forgotten their traditional culture, but now they have been studying history and language of Sakizaya, try to talk about with language of Sakizaya while they joined Palamal. A greater number of Amis have identified with Sakizaya and turned into Sakizaya.