依類型 族群 主題   
2014.05.01 ~ 2014.05.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、一般教育、學術研究、報紙期刊  
作者 張耀宗
期刊名 教育學誌31期頁133-156
ISSN 2071-3126
地點 全臺 全部  


Japanese gave indigenous people new educational institutions and activities, also imposed Japanese national consciousness into indigenous people's minds by the assimilative education. To accept Japanese education for indigenous people was a new experience. When indigenous people were implanted national consciousness by the Japanese education, in the same time, they also were evoked ethnic consciousness. That is to say that when indigenous people with Japanese educational experience learned national constitutes, and they also learned to define ethnicity. The research will be trying to inquire how Japanese colonists to form national consciousness by colonial education, the origin of ethnicity of Taiwan indigenous people in Japanese colonial period, and the relation of coexist and confrontation between national consciousness and ethnic consciousness.