依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 太魯閣族   
主題: 傳統技藝/工藝、文化創意、學術研究  
作者 葉秀燕;吳孟蓉
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊7卷3期頁1-37
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 花蓮縣 秀林鄉    


This research explores the interconnections between ethnic handicrafts and the production of cultural industry. Using the Taiwanese Taroko weaving culture in Xiu-Lin County of Hualien as a main research site, 12 in-depth interviews with female weavers and participating weaving training course, this research demonstrates how tourism development impacts and changes traditional meanings of indigenous weaving culture. It examines the involvement of women whose weaving is connected primarily to symbolic ethnicity and offers a detailed description of the importance of weaving culture in gender performance for indigenous Taroko women. We argue the popularity of indigenous cultural reproduction, such as weaving, is not only a part of enacting gendered identities, but also reflects the cultural policy of the national government to enhance the economic development of minority tribes. Tourism development and cultural reproduction of weaving have created opportunities for Taroko people to demonstrate their abilities to renegotiate their ethnic identity and cultural heritage.