依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 平埔族群  
主題: 法律政治、歷史  
作者 謝若蘭
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報5卷1期頁43-58
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 全臺 全部  

自 1980年代起,原住民族透過社會運動的方式,爭取原住民族權利。而平埔族群的族群意識亦在當時受到刺激而迅速興起,除了開始恢復傳統祭典與儀式外,並積極推動自我族群認同,爭取國家的族群身份認定。然而,經過二十多年的努力,在政治現實與政治資源論的考量,國家至今仍以「法律」為由,杯葛平埔族群恢復原住民族的身份訴求。作者認為平埔族正名應持續且堅持以台灣原住民為本,理直氣壯的以原住民身分與氣度共同面對各項後 /殖民的挑戰,成為台灣原住民族生命共同體的方式,進行第四世界力量的串聯。

In 1980s, indigenous people pursuit their ethical and political right via social movement as well as aroused Pingpu Peoples’ ethnic consciousness abruptly. Also, Plain peoples have restored their traditional ritual ceremony, zealously promoting ethnical self-identification and official identification. For past two decades’ effort, the authorities, for political and resource concerned, lifted a conforming moratorium on recognizing their legalized status and restoring ethnical right. Thus, the paper offers considerable suggestions Pingpu Peoples are supposed to strive righteously to their rights and get together withstanding any of challenges and difficulties.