依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 學術研究  
作者 盧梅芬
期刊名 博物館學季刊29卷3期頁5-35
ISSN 1029-3140
地點 全臺 全部  

本文先爬梳西方原住民文化再現的策展脈絡,歸納有二波重要的轉向。第一波為自 1980年代「身分(認同)政治」脈絡下所發展的發聲政治,以及新博物館學以身分認同、社群為中心,著重博物館與社群的對話與權力關係重設。第二波則是對身分政治容易導致本質主義的反思以及認識論的突破 —質疑了我群與他者的二元對立觀,指出古往今來「接觸地帶」等現象本就存在,轉向我群與他者的溝通與關係深化;從強調賦權的民主角色,轉向重視展示文本及其溝通角色。接續提出臺灣有二波顯著的原住民策展行動。第一波亦是在身分政治脈絡下發展的發聲政治,第二波則強調共同策展與文物回娘家等社區賦權與培力;兩者的目標對象皆為社區(社群),尚未邁向「接觸地帶」認識論轉向以及我群與他者關係的深化。結論提出,從原住民發聲政治轉向檢視策展人的策展觀點、文本、位置,而不僅是族裔身分;致力於「內部多樣性」、「接觸地帶」、「難以面對的知識與歷史」等認識論的展示文本,這種策展策略期望達到的溝通目的—促進我群與他者關係的深化,所有公民更具備理解其他文化及其處境之能力。

This article begins with a review of the Western literature regarding the presentation of indigenous culture in the curatorial context. Two major waves of change have been identified. The first occurred in the 1980s. In the context of identity politics, the right to interpretation was emphasized, in addition to the democratic role of museums. The second wave involved an epistemological breakthrough, which called into question the past dual opposing concepts of “ourselves” and “the other”, indicating the existence of “contact zones” and cultural encounters over a long period of time. From the democratic role of empowerment, there has been a change in direction to emphasize exhibition text as communication. Next, Taiwan’s two waves of indigenous curatorial action plans were analyzed. The first wave focused on the right of interpretation, and the second wave focused on empowerment, emphasizing the process in communities and collaborative exhibitions. The epistemological turn “contact zones” and the relationship between the “self” and “other”, especially in terms of contact history, have yet to be made part of the museum exhibition agenda. In conclusion, there has been a shift from indigenous interpretation rights toward the viewpoints of curators, text, and position, rather than only on identity. Exhibition text focuses on the concepts of “diversity”, “contact zones” and “difficult knowledge”. Through these strategies, it is expected that certain communication objectives will be reached, such as development of interactive relationships with the public and the opportunity for the public to learn about other cultures and their plights.