依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 族群語言、學術研究  
作者 池勝和
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊8卷3期頁41-73
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 新北市 新店區    


An indigenous principal, an adequate number of indigenous students, and sufficient indigenous language and cultural teaching equipments are preconditions for an elementary school to develop the teaching of the aboriginal language and culture. However, in my opinion, a well-organized plan, accumulated experiences, and serious practice are where success lies in. The language and cultural teaching of Xinhe Elementary School, with the lack of the three aforementioned conditions, creates an exemplary model for the language and cultural teaching of the Amis with everyone's efforts. This study is aimed to explore the elements of how Xinhe Elementary School develops their teaching of the Ami language and culture: how it starts from scratch, accumulates teaching experiences and achievements step by step, and finally creates a model for the teaching of Amis language and culture. By applying the theories of ethnography, this study aims to discuss the strategies of how schools promote the Amis language teaching, emphasize the qualitative research of field study and field observation, and finally propose the combinative result based on the analysis of the related documents and the interview with the related personnel. In addition to enhancing and improving the teaching strategies of the school, it will also serve as a reference for the promotion of teaching aboriginal tribal culture in schools.