依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 賽夏族   
主題: 族群語言、學術研究  
作者 葉美利;高清菊
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊8卷3期頁121-149
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 全臺 全部  

近幾年國外有許多研究報導了由部落與學術界共同合作的成功模式,主張語言知識之產生應該是為了族人、與族人一起、甚至且由族人來產生(Czaykowska-Higgins, 2009)。本文介紹作者的賽夏語經驗,陳述語言研究者與部落的語言使用者如何歷經了兩個不同世界、對等互動相得益彰、研究興趣趨同等階段,發展出一套部落與大學的合作模式。這種合作模式是基於共同的目的保存族語,經由日積月累共同參與相關單位,如原民會的各項族語復振計畫或工作而自然發展出來的夥伴關係,經過時間的考驗,雙方可以克服困難,發展出互信、互重的關係。

To help save the endangered languages from extinction, linguists around the world not only have devoted themselves to the studies on these languages, but also have made efforts to develop different models of collaboration hand in hand with the community members in order to revitalize the languages. Czaykowska-Higgins (2009) proposes that researches should not take the language as a subject to work on, but should be done for the community, with the community and by the community. This paper reports the authors' Saisiyat experiences, sharing how the authors went from the stage where there existed a division between the linguist and the community, through more equal and mutually beneficial interactions, and then to a change of research interests on the part of the researcher, developing a model of collaboration between language community and college. The development of such cooperative model comes out as the accumulation of a long-term devotion to the common goal towards language preservation through the involvement in various revitalization endeavors from different organizations, including the Council of Indigenous People.