依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 傳統技藝/工藝、歷史、學術研究  
作者 江玉林
期刊名 法制史研究28期頁175-210
地點 全臺 全部  

黃榮燦堅持的新現實主義木刻理想,還有他推廣的馬思聰音樂、麥浪歌詠隊歌舞詞曲,反而都成為戒嚴軍事法庭認定為「意圖以非法之方法,顛覆政府,而著手實行」的叛亂鐵證。黃榮燦年僅 36歲,孓然一身殞命於華麗島臺灣,孤寂葬身於六張犁荒煙蔓草裡。然而,他的作品〈恐怖的檢查〉,卻成為傳世藝術見證,讓後代得以真誠反省那個年代的殘暴、哀戚與荒謬。"

This article exemplifies the “Terrible Inspection” (1947), a work of Neorealistic woodcut painter Yung-tsam Huang (1916-1952), to illustrate the injustice experiences, during the 228 Incident and the White Terror in Taiwan. The “Terrible Inspection” implies the Power transforming from visible to invisible. It was the invisible power that simultaneously conducted the state apparatus, penetrated the legal system, distinguished the antagonistic and the traitorous from the docile ones, decided who to live, who to die, and whom to be arrested, whom to be released. Through managing the state-party, martial laws, court-martials, secret investigations and interrogations, confession extortions, information collections by secret polices or militants, collective punishments, the invisible power permeated every corner in the society and constructed a rigorously surveying network of discipline.
The Neorealistic woodcut ideals that Huang insisted, and musical works of Sicon Ma and the Barley Wave Ensemble that Huang promoted, were all firmly viewed as the evidences of the criminal act that “intent to overthrow the government in illegal ways”. Sadly, Huang perished solitarily at the age of 36 in the beautiful island Formosa, and buried alone in the weedy graveyard located in Liuzhangli, Taipei. Nevertheless, “Terrible Inspection”, his aesthetic work passing through generations, still testifying, and always reminding the descendants to carefully review the cruelty, the misery, and the absurdity of the past.