依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 學術研究  
作者 劉智濬
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報5卷4期頁21-42
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 全臺 全部  

本文嘗試從文學接受的角度,梳理田雅各文學作品自1980 年代以來逐步成為台灣原住民族文學乃至台灣文學經典的過程,此一過程涉及台灣文學史建構、原住民族文化復振、多元族群政治、原漢關係重構等多項議題,也涉及歷時性過程中諸多論者對田雅各文學作品意義的賦予及價值的肯認,以及文學∕文化場域中參與閱讀主體之間的對話交流,從而投射各種不同視野的期待。田雅各被接受的過程,也是其文學作品意義再生產與再創造的過程,這些意義不僅屬於田雅各的文學作品,也屬於歷來諸多論者重新定義的自我。

On the basis of the viewpoint of literary reception, this paper reviews how the literature of Tuobasi.Tamapima was accepted and became Taiwan’s classic indigenous literature since the 1980s. The accepting process involved the historical construction of Taiwanese literature, multi-ethnic politics, reconstruction of the ethnic relationships, as well as the comments and values provided by many commentators for his literature. In other words, such a process not only refers to the sense of reproduction and recreation of the literature of Tuobasi.Tamapima, but also to how these commentators/theorists have redefined themselves.
