依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 學術研究、身心發展  
作者 劉千嘉
期刊名 高醫通識教育學報10期頁93-125
ISSN 1991-1904
地點 全臺 全部  


This research applies the Taiwanese Indigenous Survey data to compare the inter generation social mobility trend of the urban aborigine. The main findings are as follows: (1) the social economic statue of urban indigenous is better than people who still stayed in tribes, moreover, the second generation is better than the first migrant one. It might be benefit from the migration of their parents or themselves. (2) The trend of vertical mobility is more prevalent among the first generation than among the second one, in addition, the probability of upward mobility is also higher among the first generation than the second one. This finding implies that the first generation experience profounder mobility than the second one. (3) Education could improve the possibility of upward mobility; however, the positive effect of education is more significant among the oldest cohort than the younger ones. It might result from the changing education policy and the historical educational tracking. Based on above findings, the further research could focus on those migrants who move back and forth between the tribes and metropolis.

關鍵詞:都市原住民;代間流動;遷徙;二代都市原住民;世代效應;Urban indigenous;Inter-generational mobility;Migration;The second generation of urban indigenous;Cohort effect