依類型 族群 主題   
臺灣原住民圖紋iPad Sleeve設計意象分析
族群: 泰雅族 、排灣族 、達悟族   
主題: 傳統技藝/工藝、當代藝術、學術研究  
作者 賴顯松;辛羽雲
期刊名 紡織綜合研究期刊25卷3期頁42-50
ISSN 1019-0473
地點 全臺 全部  

本研究以排灣族、泰雅族、雅美族三族原住民圖紋設計的iPad Sleeve為圖紋意象的研究樣本,設計背景之學生族群、設計師與非設計背景之一般消費者為研究對象,並透過語意差異法進行圖紋意象評量調查,由結果得知,圖紋樣本的代表性意象及受測者偏好「輕巧」、「簡潔」意象之圖紋,此外在意象表徵上分成三個構面,以時尚性構面成分占最高,其次為印象性構面及設計性構面,結果可提供日後設計師於相關圖紋或地區性文創商品設計之參考。

This research was mainly discussing visual image of the unique Taiwanese indigenous graphic design of paiwan, Atayal and Yami(Tao) for iPad sleeve. students with design background, designers; and consumers without design background were as the objects of the study. It primarily used semantic differential as the main technique performing the statistical survey analysis; which showed that representative images of graphic design and participants preferred ?lightweight? and ?succinct? ones. On the design of images, the visual representation were classified into three perspectives, most by popular, next is impressive, is once more design. This research will be the reference when designing on patterns or cultural and creative products.

研究成果 52349302016.pdf