依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、一般教育、學術研究  
作者 黃思華;劉遠楨
期刊名 教科書研究8卷2期頁107-137
ISSN 1999-8856
地點 全臺 全部  


The term “electronic textbooks? refers to electronic content presented on electronic screens. They are remote and are reusable. As such, electronic textbooks can be easily adapted to the classroom. Course elements can be introduced as if one were laying a brick wall, starting from the bottom and built up until a complete structure is eventually formed. Adapting electronic textbooks into course design has become a global trend. The present study targeted a group of aboriginal students in a Hualien County high school. Three aboriginal stories, Entry of the Aboriginal Tribe, A Legend of Ami, and The Real Person, were adapted and rewritten. The experimental group used the Oxford teaching model which includes six steps of instruction: predict, browse, scan, infer, guess the meaning of unfamiliar words, and self-evaluate. The control group read texts using traditional methods. Both groups of students were taught in computer classrooms and self-reported in written form. The experimental group significantly outperformed the control group in the reading comprehension test. Test results showed that aboriginal students performed better in predicting, browsing, and scanning; however, some may have encountered difficulties in guessing unfamiliar words in the text.
