依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、部落發展、學術研究  
作者 林鈺珊;闕河嘉
期刊名 臺灣原住民族研究季刊8卷2期頁33-65
ISSN 2070-9730
地點 全臺 全部  

 本文旨在檢視當前台灣原住民部落中以漢人推動者為主的社群支持型農業(community supported agriculture, CSA)發展,初探其中社會讓最(social embeddedness)的可能意義。本文以Mark Granovetter(1985)的社會續最理論及CSA相關概念,結合台灣原住民部落發展相關文獻作為本文檢視部落CSA發展對原住民部落的意義之分析架構依據。我們選擇四個部落CSA案例,訪問核心推動者和原住民參與者。本文認為當代以漢人推動者為主的部落CSA以部落經濟與社會發展為目標,其中社會鑲嵌意涵主要以解決部落問題為導向;然而,卻鮮少涉及部落文化和傳統生態知識的面向。本文的貢獻在於提出部落CSA發展的社會讓嚴意義,以提供未來檢視部落CSA發展的基礎,了解部落CSA的挑戰與契機。

This article aims to examine community supported agriculture (CSA) developments in contemporary Taiwan indigenous tribes focusing on its practical significance of social embeddedness. These developments are mainly directed by the Han people. Mark Granovetter's (1985) social embeddedness theory and literature of Taiwan indigenous tribal development form the analysis framework to examine these developments. We selected four tribal CSAs as examples; in each case we interviewed both Han developers and indigenous participants. This study found that contemporary Han-directed tribal CSAs take both economic and social developments as goals, in which the significance of social embeddedness is mainly problem-solving oriented. In contrast, tribal cultural and ecological knowledge is rarely involved in these practices. This article provides preliminary findings in examining nature of contemporary tribal CSA development in Taiwan, with the hope to see challenges and opportunities of further tribal CSA development.