依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治、學術研究  
作者 黃居正;邱盈翠
期刊名 臺灣民主季刊12卷3期頁43-82
ISSN 1726-9350
地點 全臺 全部  


When the rights of indigenous peoples have advanced into the stage of the third generation, the issue of group self-determination becomes pragmatically imminent. Pursuant to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the group self-determination is conjured with the collective cultural rights, indigenous title and autonomy over political, economic, social and cultural development. The Indigenous Peoples Fundamental Law of Taiwan inaugurated in 2005 recognizes the above group self-determination rights, which includes, namely, the indigenous title, the natural rights over their biodiversity knowledge and intellectual creations. The Fundamental Law allows the indigenous peoples to self-determine their mode of living, customs, wardrobes, economic organization, land and natural resources. To implement the group self-determination, the indigenous peoples need to be granted with the collective consent mechanism. The mechanism of collective consent is designed to implement group selfdetermination and shall encompass both the procedural and organizational aspects, which cannot simply copy the established regimes of the civil society. Reckoning that there are 16 ethnic groups on the Island whose political traditions and customs are heavily diversified, a minimum standard of infrastructure and steering system are therefore needed. This article is intending to review the theories of the indigenous collective consent, then to compare with the related regulations of Taiwan in terms of the implementation of indigenous self-autonomy. The test results of the 2013 Moot Program of ITICPA will then be served to evidence the practicability of the designed mechanism. A critical suggestion will also be included in the conclusion.

研究成果 6389302016.pdf