依類型 族群 主題   
2006.06.01 ~ 2010.01.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 歷史、學術研究、醫療保健  
作者 高瑋蘋
學校系所 國立成功大學公共衛生研究所
地點 全臺 全部  







Many health indicators of the Taiwanese aboriginal population shows much worse health status than general population, as exemplified by their relatively low life expectancy, higher mortality rates, and higher incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis. The disparities in TB mortality rates between the Taiwanese aboriginal population and the general population have been increasing gradually in the past 30 years. In the literature, there is very limited historical perspective on the analysis of the problem of this disparity. However, if we are to do an in-depth analysis to understand the deteriorating health situation of aborigines, we must conduct a historical political economic analysis so that the aboriginal tuberculosis problem can be understood in its historical context and subsequently, a new interpretation of the tuberculosis problem in the aboriginal population can be developed.

In this study, at the macro level, we collect quantitative and qualitative historical data and analyze the historical changes that have occurred on the political economic and socio-economic dimensions of the aboriginal people. We also analyze the making of the aboriginal people’s tuberculosis problem while examining the prevention and control of tuberculosis among aboriginal people. At the micro level, we use Sioulin Township as our field site, which has Taruku tribe as the main ethnic group. We conduct in-depth interviews and engage in participant observation. We use these field data to obtain an in-depth understanding of aboriginal communities and about the tuberculosis effects at the individual level.

We found that aborigines have been seriously affected by Taiwan’s political and economic changes, resulting in many aborigines being forced to migrate in order to find jobs and to survive. Relative to the general population, their education level is low, leading to their disproportionate representation in low-level occupational careers, and low incomes. They often live in overcrowded housing and suffer from malnutrition, low immunity and poor health status, further compounding the aboriginal problem of tuberculosis. Many aboriginal tuberculosis patients returned to their homeland for the treatment of their diseases. The low socio-economic status and the lack of knowledge about tuberculosis led to the spread of tuberculosis among tribe members. The public health system, constituting mostly medical interventions, is insufficiently equipped to have any significant impact on the prevention and control of tuberculosis among aboriginal people. Consequently, in this vicious circle, tuberculosis in tribal community became a persistent disease, resulting in the making of the problem of tuberculosis among aboriginal people during the historical processes.

KeywordS:aborigines、historical analysis、political economic analysis、tuberculosis problem、tuberculosis mortality、tuberculosis incidence