依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
台中縣神岡鄉農業發展之研究(1723-2006)~對農牧產品消長之分析~ The Research of Agricultural Development in Shengang Area(1723-2006)~the analyses of the quantities of the farm produce ~
族群: 平埔族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、部落發展、歷史  
作者 曾惠貞
學校系所 國立臺中教育大學社會科教育學系碩士班
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

本文主要探討台中縣神岡鄉農業發展之過程,並藉由農產品產量的分析,來了解神岡鄉農業生產的詳細情形,年代斷限自雍正元年(1723年),到民國95年(2006)。台中縣神岡鄉位於臺灣島中部地區,天氣溫和,雨量充足,地勢平緩,東部位於台中盆地底部平原,是相當適合農作物生長的環境,神岡鄉原為平埔族「岸裡社」活動之地區,而自十八世紀漢人大批入墾以來,開鑿水圳,致力於土地開發,使神岡鄉成為農業發展興盛之地區,因此農業可視為神岡鄉重要的經濟活動,清光緒21年(1895),日本統治臺灣後,致力於農業開發,以期達到「工業日本,農業臺灣」的殖民政策,除了著重於水利建設與組織重組,以增加耕地,亦推動在來米改良與鼓勵蓬萊米種植,以增加稻米產量,而神岡地區在當時為『葫蘆墩米』 的主要產地。二次大戰後(1945),隨著政府政策與經濟結構的轉變,神岡鄉農業活動逐漸轉型,走向更為精緻化、專業化與機械化。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The article mainly studies the process of the agricultural development in Shengang by the analyses of the quantities of the farm produce to understand the details of the agricultural produce in Shengang from 1723 to 2006. Shengang in Taichung county is located in the center of Taiwan .It is warm and there is plenty of rains as well as the gentle slope . The east of Shengang where is suitable for the environment of the cropper growing is located at the bottom of the Taichung basin. Shengang used to be the area of the Pingpu tribes; however, the Hang people have excavated irrigation ditches and dedicated to the development of the land since a large number of the Hans came to open ground during the 18th century. It made Shengang become a prosperous area of the agricultural development; therefore, we can regard agriculture as the most important economic activities in Shengang.

Since 1985 when the Japanese reigned over Taiwan , they have dedicated to the development of the agriculture to look forward to achieving the colonialism “Industrial Japan, Agricultural Taiwan” In addition to emphasizing water construction and organizational restructuring to increase tilled lands , they also impelled the improvement of the round-grained rice and encouraged Taiwanese to cultivate japonica rice to improve the quantities of the rice. After the World War II, following the government’s policy and the transformation of economic structure, the agricultural activities in Shengang were gradually transformed to the more delicate, professional and mechanical activities .