依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
族群: 平埔族群  
主題: 音樂、歷史  
作者 鄭雅怡
學校系所 成功大學台灣文學研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]
Tui 1987解嚴以後,台灣面對choe-choe歷史上be cheng有e變動kap挑戰。總是chit方面e辯論khah chiap針對政治a是其他社會科學e相關議題,比較tek khah oh-tit包含人文方面,親像語言kap文學e討論。本論文想beh用陳雷30萬字e台語長篇小說《鄉史補記》做中心,探討chit e作品中用Siraya平埔族做基礎對ti台灣che 400冬受殖民經驗ê重新詮釋,koh有i khia ti南島民族ê立場,開展未來台灣成做1 e多族群e國家想像。Chiah e觀點kap主流論述用中國做中心,用漢人做主体e歷史觀、文化觀有chiaN大e增差,而且有帶chiaN強e去殖民意涵。
本論文ka《鄉史補記》定位做有鮮明e去殖民政治e作品,而且thang成做giah筆建國,通過創作參與台灣國族建構e典範。文本中所表現e去殖民精神包括去中國kap去漢2 e互相交纏e層次,ti本論文分做以下3方面來分thiah:第it,1 e用Siraya做基礎e台灣歷史kap國族重建;第ji,Siraya女性特質kap母性e再現thang成做發展本土女性主義e基礎,koh啟發女性kap國族che 2 e課題交接對話e新路徑;第saN,開創1 chiong超越苦難重頭生e去殖民精神kap Siraya, paiwan kang祖先e台灣人國族起源神話。
Chit e作品thian現陳雷通過創作來參與去殖民。而且伊選擇普遍ti台灣使用,m-ku soah hou中國殖民政權看輕、排斥e台語來寫作,表明伊拒絕hou殖民者洗腦,beh肯定chit e語言e sui kap伊所体現e文化。本論文為tioh beh呼應陳雷chit種giah筆來反抗殖民e行動,採用在來受看輕e台語羅馬字來書寫,ng-bang ma有份ti台灣人心靈e thau-pang kap新e台灣價值觀e起造。

[ 英文摘要 ]
Taiwan has been facing unprecedented tremendous changes since the lift of martial law in 1987, but so far debates on these transformations mostly address political or social science-related issues, comparatively less often involving discourses of humanities, such as language and literature. As a result this research centers on “A Supplementary History of My Homeland”, Tan Lui’s 300,000-word Tai-gi saga, which pioneers in staging a Siraya-based re-interpretation of Taiwan’s experiences as a colony in the past four centuries and lies ahead a new horizon to re-envision Taiwan’s future as a multi-ethnic nation state from an Austronecian-oriented standing point, a perspective different from those of mainstream China-centered, Han-cored historic and cultural accounts.
The thesis defines “A Supplementary History of My Homeland” as a work with strong decolonizing politics and a role model of wielding the pen as the sword to fight for Taiwan’s nation-building movement. With two interwoven spheres, de-Sinocization and de-Han, discussion in this thesis covers three parts: a Siraya-based re-construction of Taiwan’s history and nationalism, a re-presentation of Sirayan femininity and motherliness as bedrock for Taiwan-featured feminism and a path to a dialogue between women and nation, and finally an invention of anti-colonial transcendentalism by creating Siraya-Paiwan-linked mythology about Taiwanese ancestry.
The work also demonstrates that through creative writing in Tai-gi, Taiwan’s most widely-spoken native tongue that, though, has been stigmatized by Chinese colonial regimes, Tan Lui takes action in resisting the colonizers’ brainwash and re-acclaiming the beauty of this repressed language and the culture it embodies. Corresponding to his anti-colonial efforts through the pen, the thesis dedicates itself to Romanized Tai-gi, a despised orthography, as actualization of decolonizing the mind and revitalizing Taiwanese values.