依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 學術研究、醫療保健  
作者 陳美汀
學校系所 高雄醫學大學口腔衛生科學研究所碩士在職專班
地點 南投縣 全部    

[ 摘要 ]


研究依各鄉人口大小以分層多階段集束抽樣調查法(stratified multi-stage cluster sampling),等比隨機抽樣(probability proportional to size, PPS design)方式,採分層二階段等機率抽樣原則,實際回收950份問卷,回收率達95%,有效問卷876份。本研究調查對象以居住南投縣居民為母群體,且年齡在18歲以上之成年為訪查對象。利用描述性、推論性統計、複迴歸分析:社會人口學影響嚼食檳、吸菸、喝酒等相關因素之差異性,以「認知得分」、「態度得分」等高低來探討民眾嚼食檳榔、吸菸、喝酒之相關危害意識因素。

經統計分析結果發現民眾嚼食檳榔盛行率為15.09%(男生26.31% vs 女生2.69%)、抽菸盛行率為26.66%(男生48.36% vs 女生2.57%)、喝酒盛行率為9.67%(男生16.40% vs女生 2.19%)。三者不同年齡層、教育程度、職業、婚姻等相關因素均有顯著性差異,三者在不同生活型態、族群也均有顯著性差異。



[ 英文摘要 ]

The purposes of this study was to investigate the prevalences of betel quid chewing, smoking and drinking as well as health conscience of betel quid chewing in Nan-Tou County residents with aged 18 years old or older. A special focus was also on different regions including city, country and mountain area. According to the methods of the stratified multi-stage cluster sampling and the PPS design, 950people were investigated in the study. There were 876 questionnaires. The response rate was 95%. The results showed that the prevalence of betel quid chewing 15.09%(male 26.31% and female 2.69%). The prevalence of smoking was 22.66%(male 48.36% and female 2.57%), and drinking was 9.67%(male 16.40% and female 2.19%). It was found that men were the major consumers of betel quid, alcohol and cigarettes. The study on different regions showed that the prevalence of both betel-quid chewing and drinking was found for the aboriginals who lived in mountain area were 6.85 times and 2.33 times of those for the people who lived in city. The prevalence of smoking for the aboriginals is 0.16 times of that for the people who lived in city.

Keyword:areca/betel quid chewing, smoking, alcohol drinking, oral health conscience