依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
阿里山鄒族天主教彌撒音樂之研究 The Catholic Mass of Tsou People in Mt. Ali of Taiwan
族群: 鄒族   
主題: 音樂、外來宗教  
作者 張巧驊
學校系所 國立臺南藝術大學民族音樂學研究所
地點 嘉義縣 阿里山鄉    

[ 摘要 ]



天主教在進入阿里山鄒族部落之後,為促使教友將禮儀融入生活,並與基督精神結合,便依著當地的文化習慣將儀禮與音樂內容做了部分的調整,引用著mayasvi祭典歌謠中的相關曲調,配合著彌撒儀式裡的經文,使得儀禮的進行具有著族群的特質與色彩。鄭政宗長老將mayasvi祭典歌謠之《peyasvi no poha`o戰歌 (慢板)》、《nakumo勇士頌》、《ehoi 迎神曲》等曲調旋律,結合彌撒儀式裡的求主垂憐經、光榮頌、感恩經等之經文,使得阿里山鄒族的天主教彌撒音樂,展現了「梵二精神」與宗教交談的開放態度。這種將彌撒音樂與祭儀歌謠融合、統整的工作,一則落實了天主教信仰的在地化實踐,另則也在天主教的彌撒儀式中,注入了鄒族的文化意涵與內容。


[ 英文摘要 ]

Undoubtedly, Catholicism is an allochthonous faith to Tsou traditional culture. There are probably many differences and even contrarieties of functions meanings, and values between the Tsou tradition and Catholicism. However, we can still do the researches to understand how the system of Catholicism are used and handled to assume the realistic form and content. The dissertation is to treat the mix and the communication of Catholic Mass ceremony and music by representing the process and content. In chapter 1, the main theme is to the traditional faith and ceremony of Tsou, as well as the simple introduction of the process of Catholicism. In chapter 2, we are going to understand the meanings and functions of ceremony in Mass music. In chapter 3, the main point is to discuss how the Catholic Mass music expresses and is used of Tsou traditional ballads. In chapter 4, the theme is emphasized on the changes of Catholic Mass music after being affected and integrated with the Tsou traditional faith.

This research is to generally introduce the content, structures, the usage of the traditional ballads of Mass ceremony, and the style and features of the Mass music, through the author’s collecting and sorting the materials of Catholic Mass in Tsou.