依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、學術研究  
作者 曾家球
學校系所 國立新竹師範學院輔導教學碩士班
地點 新竹縣 尖石鄉    

[ 摘要 ]




[ 英文摘要 ]

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the leisure participation, leisure attitude and leisure needs of aboriginal elementary school students. The study was employed by individual interview survey method and purposive sampling was adopted according to the purpose of the study. The targets of the interview included twenty elementary school students, four parents and four teachers.

Within the scope of the study, the following conclusions were derived:

The average leisure time of aboriginal students is 2.825 hours on weekday. The average leisure time is 8.15 hours on weekend. The most kinds of leisure activities that aboriginal students participate in are sports, social and entertainment ones. However, cultural and art activities and tradition ones are the least. The most favorite kinds of all are sports and entertainment. Aboriginal students mostly have positive experience about leisure activities and think that they are cheerful and relaxed. In the needs of the leisure activities, aboriginal students and teachers are concerned about the sports and social activities to be hold. However, their parents prefer the cultural and art ones.

Based on conclusions, constructive suggestions were made as follows:

1.The government is supposed to strike a balance between urban and rural, plan leisure activities for aboriginal students properly and to select proper places as leisure time areas according to the needs.

2.Put emphasis on popularizing cultural and art activities, especially reading activities to promote the quality of aboriginal education.

3.Establish aboriginal cultural reservations to maintain the traditional culture of the aboriginal.