依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 平埔族群  
主題: 外來宗教  
作者 劉益誠
學校系所 臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所
地點 屏東縣 萬巒鄉    

[ 摘要 ]







[ 英文摘要 ]

Divided into five chapters, this paper probes into the daily life of Catholics who live in Wan-king and Chu-Shan village.

Chapter 1, Introduction, explains the motivation to make this research, existing literatures and theory bases.

Chapter 2 discusses geographic environment and history background of Wan-King and Chun-Shun village. Tries to find out the background status of local Catholics based on comprehension and reconstruction of related literatures. Most local residents are descendants of Ping-Bu aborigines of Fengshan No 8 commune, and there are also a few Hakkinese live together in these two regions. These nations make the composition of local residents. In a word, this chapter is to comprehend the distribution and activities of nations in Wan-King and Chu-Shan from aspects of distribution of Ping-Bu aborigines, immigration of Hakkinese and relations between each nation.

Chapter 3 refers to the development of Catholicism in Wan-King and Chu-Shan. In early days after it was introduced into these regions, Catholicism met many difficulties, to which the disturbance and resistance of Hakkinese made the greatest contribution. Thanks to elaboration Wan-King Catholic Church has developed into an important church, in which lots of Catholics gather, from the original predicament. First, this chapter probes into the process of introduction of Catholicism into Wan-King and Chun-Shan. Then looks into the organization and activities of Wan-King Virgin Mary Palace, the ceremonial of the feast day of God Bless and the wonderful process of Virgin Mary’s Litter Parade, so as to describe the present situation of Wan-King Virgin Mary Palace.

From the point of life style, chapter 4 analyses and interprets Catholic’s daily life, such as believer’s participation in Catholic activities, relaxation and entertainment at leisure, daily life circle, level of satisfaction in refit of the church and usage of the church land by believers etc. Besides research methods of observing and interview, related questionnaire subjects have been designed to make investigation to Catholics in these regions. There are 393 effective samples in all. Statistical results are analyzed and interpreted by using SPSS to make frequency analysis, percentage statistics and crosstab analysis, in order to know about the present situation of local Catholic’s daily life.

At the end, conclusion and suggestions and directions of continuous researches are given in Chapter 5.