依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
對北歐薩米族之多層次治理︰一個特例的探討 Multi-level Governance toward Sami People of Northern Europe: an Execption
族群: 其他民族  
主題: 文化慣習  
作者 張世杰
學校系所 國立中正大學政治學所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]
薩米族為居住於北歐挪威、瑞典及芬蘭之跨國界原住民族,人數約僅7萬人,惟其於所在國所受到之政策處遇,及該族於國際原住民權利領域之影響力,與一般普遍認知中,飽受忽略、歧視、或且受壓迫之原住民族有極大的差距,其中固有 長期與外來者來往之其歷史因素,亦與所處之區域—北歐有關。概因北歐國家自1960所形成的北歐合作計畫,與歐盟整合所形成之小區域與大區域的多層次治理體系,使薩米族得以運用多層次治理所產生之「多重利益人口—動員參與—多重反饋」之機制,尋求該族群之最大利益。因此其各層次治理主體間的關係與治理作為間的交互作用,值得整理討論分析,一可作為歐盟多層次治理理論實踐之檢證,二可觀察國際原住民權利運動議題演進之未來與難題。

[ 英文摘要 ]
The Sami people who distributes in Northern Europe''s Norway, Sweden and Finland, is a transnational indigenous people and the amount is only 70,000. The Sami people are protected by the series of consummate policy at the nation lived by them, and has the relative influence on the subject of international indigenous people right. The peculiar example is worth studying how they strive for their rights under the European Union''s multi-level governance construction.
The dissertation’s content divides into two major parts, indigenous people right and European Union''s multi-level governance construction. The scope of discussion content has included with its related main body, the object, the structure, the relationship and the interactive way. Moreover for instance, the multi levels relations classify for 5 kind of relationship in the study of the governance toward the Sami people, respectively be the high and low social stratum relations, the high and low cross level relations, the parallel relations, high and low parallel interweaves the relations, the circuitous relations. For each kind of content which discusses, provides an easy and simple graphic explanation.
In short, the content namely takes by the multi-level governance as an analysis framework, and takes to the governance toward Sami people as the object. The discussion among the occurrence in different level, different main body, different object and the interactive relationship, may regard as a microscopic angle case study under the multi-level governance analysis framework