依類型 族群 主題   
2008.06.01 ~ 2009.06.01
族群: 布農族 、鄒族 、卡那卡那富族  
主題: 社會關懷、民族誌、身心發展  
作者 江以文
學校系所 高雄醫學大學性別研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

這是一份從原住民女性經驗出發的研究。藉由「女窩」這個位於原鄉部落的原住民婦女組織運作的經驗,協助我們了解在性別、階級與族群關係交織下的部落原住民女性面對的壓迫。「女窩」用什麼方式解決或回應部落婦女的結構性困境?一個集體組織的存在對參與其中的女性產生什麼樣的培力效果?它是否有助於改善原住民女性的社會處境? 進而看見台灣原住民女性主義實踐的可能性?




[ 英文摘要 ]

This is an ethnography of indigenous women’s organization in the tribe . It explores experiences of indigenous women in the tribe in Taiwan , and how the grassroots women’s organization – ‘Kawsda’ (means women’s space) could respond or solve those indigenous women’s predicaments. As an indigenous women’s organization , Kawsda empowered indigenous women who participated in and changed those women’s social situations. Perhaps, it shows the possibility of indigenous feminism in Taiwan.

This research adopts feminist ethnography as the method, and my fieldsite is ‘Kawsda ’ in Southern Taiwan . I lived in the tribe and worked with Kawsda ‘s workers for a year. I also interviewed 13 women of Kawsda. Through their stories and experiences, the research shows differences among indigenous women and the complexity also intends to disturb any stereotypes against indigenous people and societies.

The indigenous women interviewed faced structural difficulties of leaving their tribe for earning money or better education. They suffered from poor economic situations,and responsibility of marriage and family care. As a local grassroots NGO , Kawsda tries to support those women through programs of childcare, leather-carving, and multiple employment. Kawsda’s work was confronted with domination of the government, gendered expectations of the tribe, different economic situations between women, and competition among different clans in the tribes and among different ethnic groups.

Gender, class and ethnicity intersected to shape the complex experiences of indigenous women in the tribe. Kawsda as a local indigenous women ‘s organization situated in these complex social situations, fought and negotiated with these power structures.