依類型 族群 主題   
1998.07.01 ~ 2000.07.01
花蓮縣原住民部落休閒行為之研究(The research of leisure behavior of the indigenous tribes of hua lien, Taiwan)
作者 張文義 (Chiang Bruce )
學校系所 中國文化大學運動教練研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 *中心館藏網址:http://0rz.tw/dd59P

[ 摘要 ]
研究工具為「花蓮縣原住民部落休閒行為之調查問卷」。在休閒態度部分,共有36個題目,包括休閒認知、休閒情意及休閒行為三個分層面;休閒滿意部分,共有24個題目,包括心理、教育、社交、鬆弛、體能及審美六個層面。正式施測後所蒐集的資料以SPSS 8.0 for Window 套裝軟體處理。資料處理的統計方法包括有描述性統計分析、百分比同質性考驗卡方檢定(χ2 test)及Kendall等級相關分析。
6. 不同性別的花蓮縣原住民在休閒滿意度的體能層面有顯著差異。

[ Abstract]
This study is to investigate the relationship between leisure attitude and leisure satisfaction for the indigenous tribes of Hua Lien, Taiwan. 350 questionnaires issued and 100 % returned valid from the indigenous tribes of Hua Lien.
The study theme was the leisure activity investigation of indigenous tribes of Hua Lien, Taiwan. In the area of leisure attitude, there were totally 36 sub topics divided into three categories of cognitive, affective and behavioral. Furthermore, in the area of leisure satisfaction, there were totally 24 sub topics divided into six categories of psychological, educational, social, relaxation, physiological and aesthetic. After investigation, the software, SPSS 8.0 for Window was used to process all information. The statistical methods for processing data were descriptive statistics, test of homogeneity of proportions and Kendall’s coefficient of rank correlation.
The findings are as follows:
1. It shows the negative perception towards leisure attitude; it scores the highest in the area of leisure cognition and scores the lowest in the area of leisure behavioral.
2. There is no significant difference reached among different tribes and genders in the aspects of leisure cognitive, affective and behavioral.
3. There is significant difference reached among different marriage status, ages, professions, educations, qualifications and incomes in the areas of leisure cognition, affection and behavior.
4. It shows the negative perception towards the leisure satisfaction in which it scores the highest in the area of relaxation and scores the lowest in the area of psychological aspect.
5. There is no significant difference among tribes and genders in leisure satisfaction.
6. There is significant difference reached between genders in the area of physiological aspect of leisure satisfaction.
7. There is significant difference reached in the areas of leisure satisfaction in social and aesthetic aspects.
8. There is a positive correlation between leisure attitude and leisure satisfaction.
Key words: leisure attitude; leisure satisfaction; indigenous tribes of Hua Lien, Taiwan