依類型 族群 主題   
1993.06.01 ~ 1995.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育、學術研究  
作者 洪麗晴
學校系所 國立新竹師範學院國立新竹師範學院
地點 全臺 全部  

中心館藏網址 http://tulips.ntu.edu.tw/record=b2219849*cht

[ 摘要 ]
究亦希望進一步分析探討原住民與非原住民國小學童的推理策略使用差異情形,俾以提供原住民教育實務工作者在進行教學與生活輔導之參考,以及相關單位在進行課程與教材編制之依據。 研究設計採 2 ( 籍別
)× 3 ( 就讀地區 ) × 2 ( 年級 ) × 2 ( 性別 ) × ( 作業情境 )之五因子受試者間設計,主要是使用「 瑞文氏標準圖形推理測驗 」( 簡稱SPM 測驗 ) 來暸解受試學童在推理表現上的差異情形。另外,本研究亦利用「 級任教師評估表 」及「 非文字普通能力測驗 」為次測量工具,旨在比較受試學童於 SPM 測驗上的表現,與二者次測量工具所得之結果是否一致。研究對象是以桃園縣的原住民與非原住民國小學童為主,共96 名。研究資料是以口語資料分析、變異數分析、相關分析與試題量數分析等方法,來進行分析與處理。研究結果發現如下: 除了非原住民男學童外,其餘各組受試學童在鼓勵自陳的情境下之 SPM 推理表現,皆顯著優於在傳統標準化情境中的表現。研究結果亦顯示,「 籍別 」差異明顯存於傳統式測驗情境中,但是在鼓勵自陳式的測驗情境中,「 籍別」 差異只存於女學童中而不在男學童中。此外,資料分析發現,國小學童的 SPM 測驗分數與其在推理因素量和推理型態數的使用上,有顯著相關;而根據研究者的觀察:原住民學童的推理策略,多半是屬於統觀的賦予意義分析;而非原住民學童,多半是屬於結構式的邏輯推理分析。
針對試題分析方面,顯示受試學童的 SPM 測驗分數,隨著「 題數 」與「 篇數 」的遞進而逐漸增加;其推理因素量與推理型態數的使用,則少到多,再由多轉到少;而學童的初始反應時間,則是隨著「 題數 」與「 篇數 」的遞進而增加,此結果吻合 SPM 之設計型態。其他針對「 非文字普通能力測驗 」與「 級任教師評估 」兩種次測量工具的分析發現:不論學童之性別、就讀地區與年級,一般級任教師傾向於認為非原住民學童的學業成就、智力與創造力等表現,皆顯著優於原住民學童;而,受試學童在非文字普通能力測驗上的表現,則是六年級的表現優於四年級的表現、男生的分數高於女生的分數、非原住民學童的分數較原住民學童的高。 最後,根據研究發現提出討論與建議,以作為課程與教學及未來進一步研究之參考。

[ 英文摘要 ]
The purpose of this study is explore aborigine and non-aborigine elementary students'''''''' reasoning performance under different task conditions, and their strategy use in reasoning. A 2(race) X 3(school district) X 2(grade) X 2(sex) X 2(task condition) between-subject design was employed. Subjects were 96 aborigine and non-aborigine elementary students in fourth and sixth grades. Half of the subjects were asked to perform the Standard Progressive Matrices ( SPM ) under the standard
condition, and the other half of the subjects were asked to perform SPM under the encouragement condition. The subjects under the encouragement condition also had to speak out their strategy use for each of the their judgments. Besides, all subjects were asked to perform parts of the Non-word Ordinary Ability Test, and their teachers were asked to give their impressions of the students'''''''' achievement,IQ, and creativity.
The results of this study indicated that most of students under the encouragement condition performed better than those under the standard condition, except the non-aborigine boys whose performances were not different under both conditions. More
importantly, race differences were found under the standard condition for both male and female subjects; yet, race differences were only found in females under the encouragement condition. Subjects'''''''' SPM scores were highly correlated with the
number of the reasoning factors and with the number of the reasoning types they use. On the basis of researcher''''''''s observation, aborigine students tended to use whole-pattern strategies; and, on the contrary, non-aborigine students tended to structural and logical strategies. By using item-by-item analysis, it was found that when units and items of the SPM increased, subjects'''''''' SPM scores would decrease, their use of the
reasoning factors and types would increase at first and then decrease, and their first-response time would increase.
Interestingly, it was found that most of teachers tended to assess non-aborigine students were better than those aborigine students in all of the achievement, IQ, and creativity aspects. Furthermore, it was not surprised to find that males performed
better than females, and non-aborigine students performed better than aborigine students in the Non-word Ordinary Ability Test. Finally, implications of the results for course instructions and suggestions for futureresearch are also addressed.