依類型 族群 主題   
1998.06.01 ~ 2000.06.01
族群: 泰雅族 、排灣族 、布農族 、拉阿魯哇族、卡那卡那富族  
主題: 學術研究、醫療保健  
作者 馮毓屏
學校系所 高雄醫學大學醫學研究所
地點 高雄市 那瑪夏區     新竹縣 尖石鄉     屏東縣 牡丹鄉    

中心館藏網址 http://tulips.ntu.edu.tw/record=b2180805*cht  

[ 摘要 ]
利用分離分析找出痛風家庭的遺傳模式。從三民鄉的布農族,尖石鄉的泰雅族,阿里山鄉的鄒族,牡丹鄉的排灣族,採挨家挨戶的方式對痛風家庭做問卷訪視,痛風的個案是經過專業醫師診斷出來的。研究一共包含了64個原住民痛風家庭,945個個案。利用遺傳流行病學統計軟體S.A.G.E. (Release 2.2) 中的REGTL (version 3.0) 程式來分析這945個個案。有關大人的痛風病史,是由個案自己陳述,而小孩的痛風病史是由雙親代答。分析中使用性別及年齡做調整,結果發現有單一體染色體基因座的模式最適合解釋這些痛風家庭。非孟德爾遺傳模式 (散發模式以及環境模式)具有統計學上顯著意義 (p<0.05),所以非「親代-子代」的遺傳模式假說會被拒絕,不能用來解釋這些原住民痛風家庭。但是,如果把痛風家庭分成,早期發病家庭以及晚期發病家庭兩類加以分析,孟德爾遺傳和環境模式的假說都會被拒絕。所以研究結果可以顯示台灣原住民痛風在家庭之傳遞受到遺傳的影響,並且有主要基因的作用。

[ 英文摘要 ]
Complex segregation analyses were conducted on families of gout probands to delineate the mode of the inheritance. The probands were ascertained from the persons we had visited by door to door and the gout disease had been identified by a practical doctor. The analyses were based on data from 64 aboriginal families with 945 individuals living in Taiwan, and were performed by using the REGTL (Release 2.2) program of the SAGE (version 3.0) package. The gout information of adults was provided by themselves and that of children was from their parents. We used sex and age to adjust covariates. A single locus model fitted the data well, but none of the Mendelian models (recessive, dominant, and arbitrary) could be distinguished. The no-parent-offspring-transmission hypothesis was rejected. However, when we split the data into early-onset and late-onset, both Mendelian and environmental hypotheses relatively were rejected.