依類型 族群 主題   
2004.06.01 ~ 2006.06.01
布農族的節日-射耳祭活動意義:以初來部落為例(The Festival of Burun- Malahodaigian Ritual in Chu-Lai ribe)
族群: 布農族   
主題: 歲時祭儀  
作者 胡祝賀(Hu zhu he )
學校系所 國立臺東大學教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]



一、 從儀式流程來看,布農族射耳祭活動,是一個祈求豐收、平安成長的宗教儀式-儀式活動從祭師起火、祭槍、山肉過火到結束的甩酒渣,無疑都是希望透過儀式的召喚祝禱,希望今年的小米豐收,來年山肉豐穫。而祭師的吹耳驅鬼魅更是希望健康平安長長久久。

二、 從射耳祭舉行的時間來看,布農族射耳祭活動,是一個提倡休閒、重視健康的活動-射耳祭舉行時間四月底五月初,小米正是將結穗等著收成,所以這段時間正式農閒之際,舉辦射耳祭活動後竹槍製作及陀螺遊戲正式展開。足見布農族是一個重視休閒活動的民族。

三、 從射耳祭活動內容來看,布農族射耳祭活動,是一個感恩惜福、淨化心靈增




[ 英文摘要 ]

his thesis intends to probe into the process of Malahodaigian Ritual in Chu-Lai tribe. By realizing the process, and furthermore the meaning and connotation of Malahodaigian Ritual, it can be used for homeland curriculum materials. To accomplish the purpose of this thesis, it applies field investigation, close-up and shooting the process of Malahodaigian Ritual in detail. The researcher analyzes and concludes through the content of the recording interview and meanwhile, raises the proposals for the improvement of the related organization in Chu-Lai tribe in the future.

According to the result of this thesis, the conclusions are as follows:

1. In terms of the process in Malahodaigian Ritual: Malahodaigian is a religious ritual of praying harvest and growing up in safety. It goes without saying that the Burun expect the harvest through the ritual from firing, shooting to throwing the liquor dregs. Meanwhile, the exorcism ritual by blowing the ear from the priest is expected to keep healthy forever and ever.

2. In terms of the time in Malahodaigian Ritual: Malahodaigian Ritual is an activity of advocating leisure and emphasis on health. It is celebrated during April and May when the Burun is going to harvest millet. Therefore, the manufacture of baboon guns and Top games are held regularly in the free time of cultivation. It shows that Burun is a tribe emphasizing the importance of leisure time.

3. In terms of the contents in Malahodaigian Ritual: Malahodaigian Ritual is an educational activity which can cherish blessings, purify spirit and increase wisdom. The elders are willing to pass down the forest wisdom and hunting skills in Malahodaigian Ritual. Due to serving guests necessarily on that day, the preparations are the teaching materials, including the way of serving guests, manner standard, the terms of Mabulaoen and the rhythm.