依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
跨文化原住民族建築空間研究--- 從瑪喀族歐澤特長屋研究看排灣族建築空間(Cross-culture research of indigenous built environment in Taiwan-An analysis of the Paiwan building space from a study of the Makah Ozette longhouse.)
族群: 排灣族 、美洲原住民  
主題: 建築  
作者 王桂鳳(Kuei-Feng Wang )
學校系所 臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

雖然這是一個跨文化的研究,但在研究排灣族原住民獨特的石板建築的過程時,就好像在深挖一個差不多快”自然”復原的歷史傷口一樣………。 現今的現代建築,就算倒了、拆了、毀了,都不會覺得可惜,然而,要再現當初石板屋依附在大自然的合一的美,已不復見這樣的功夫與技術。

第一章 緒論:

說明研究目的、研究方法與研究內容等,探討跨領域研究原住民族空間、時 與空的研究、分析研究與文獻回顧。

第二章 瑪喀族歷史及文化特色:


第三章 歐澤特部落及其長屋研究:


第四章 排灣族建築空間分析


第五章 從長屋研究看排灣族家屋





第六章 結論


[ 英文摘要 ]

Even though this is a cross-cultural research project, but digging into the Paiwan slate houses in some depth is like reopening an old historical would that has almost healed. Today we do not regret the loss and destruction of contemporary buildings, however we may have already lost the ability to recreate the harmonious beauty of our traditional dwellings.

Chapter 1. Introduction

An explanation of the purposes and contents of the thesis, a discussion of cross-cultural research of indigenous built environment; a review of relevant literature.

Chapter 2. Makah history and cultural characteristics

A discussion of Makah geographical position, the Ozette tribe, relocation history including the dugout canoe, the totem pole and houses, potlatch and whale hunt; Artistic development including houses and totem, bamboo basket, mask, clothes and ornaments.

Chapter 3. Ozette tribe and Longhouses

A discussion of Ozette runins history, longhouse structure, recovery process of longhouses.

Chapter 4. A spatial analysis of the Paiwan building

An analysis of daily living patterns of the Paiwan with reference to building spaces.

Chapter 5. An analysis of the Paiwan building from a study of the Makah Ozette longhouses.

Outdoor space: A discussion of the locational choices of the two tribes; the tribal migration routes and its building process.

Indoor space: A discussion of the two tribes living spaces including house plans, historical development, analysis of differences and similarities in the attitudes towards nature, and

spaces related to belief systems and languages.

Chapter 6. Conclusion

Research on Makah longhouse suggests that functional demands override spatial meanings. In contrast, Paiwan slate houses are rich in cultural and symbolic meaning. From a Paiwan emic approach, further analysis of the Paiwan built environment should reveal a wealth of spatial meaning. Continued study along this perspective should also be productive for professional practice.