依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2003.06.01
排灣族婦女遭受婚姻身體暴力及其相關因素之探討(Factors Associated with Marital Physical Violence in the Paiwan tribal Women)
族群: 排灣族   
主題: 社會關懷、學術研究、醫療保健  
作者 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan Chen )
學校系所 高雄醫學大學護理學研究所碩士班
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]
本研究之目的為探討排灣族婦女婚姻身體暴力的盛行率及其相關影響因素,採二次資料分析(Secondary data analysis)之研究設計,原始資料來自楊(2002)南台灣山地鄉原住民部落家庭暴力評估之調查,原始研究為橫斷式相關性之研究設計,以等距抽樣方式,研究工具為結構式問卷,內容包括基本資料、物質使用調查表、家庭暴力之評量問卷、家庭功能量表、社會支持問卷、自殺意念量表和憂鬱篩檢評量問卷。本研究僅取屏東縣某兩鄉之排灣族婦女列為本研究之分析樣本,共得555份完整資料,並以質性訪談6位受暴婦女,所得資料以描述性及推論性統計進行分析。
[ 英文摘要 ]
The purpose of this study was to explore the prevalence of marital physical violence and its related factors for female Paiwan aboriginals. A secondary data analysis was conducted following the Yang data of 2002 dealing with the investigation of domestic violence in the aboriginal tribes of Southern Taiwan. The original study design was across-sectional and had a descriptive correlational design and dealt with systematic sampling. The structured questionnaire evaluated participants’ demographic characteristics, substance use, family functions, social support, suicidal ideation and depression. Only Five hundred and fifty-five Paiwan’s women were selected and analyzed for this study. And six participants were interviewed. The collected data was analyzed by employing descriptive and inferential statistics.
The results of this study were as follows:(1)The prevalence of marital physical violence was 19.5% . The face and the head were the major parts assaulted. Women self-reported that the major reasons for the physical violence were related to drinking problems, financial problems, and employment or unemployment.(2)Significant factors related to marital physical violence belonged to those who were alcohol users, to those whose husbands were alcohol users, to women with poor family functions or with poor social support, and to women who had experience with domestic violence or who have seen domestic violence in their respective families previously. (3) Women who had experienced physical violence were more likely to have suicidal ideation and come down with depressive moods.
The contribution of this study will provide information for understanding marital physical violence and its related factors in female Paiwan aborigines and also provide the necessary information for developing a marital physical violence prevention program for aboriginal women.