依類型 族群 主題   
2000.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
南投縣泰雅族賽德克亞族民族植物之研究(Study on the Ethnobotany of Seediq Atayal in Nantou.)
族群: 泰雅族 、賽德克族   
主題: 農耕漁獵、傳統生態智慧  
作者 張汶肇(Wen-Chao Chang )
學校系所 國立臺灣大學園藝學研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

為保存並發揚先住民利用植物之智慧,本研究針對南投縣仁愛鄉泰雅族賽德克亞族活動區域,調查與文化、生活上相關的植物。自2000年7月至2003年2月間,經30次田野調查,訪問30位耆老,共採集植物標本4785份。蒐得151科1074種植物,其中114科443種植物與該族生活或文化具有密切關係,以食用植物最多,其次依序為狩獵、建築材料、生活用具、藥用、農業用具、衣飾材料、交易、童玩、薪柴、儀式、樂器及其他。菊科、禾本科、薔薇科植物使用最為廣泛。在用途類別多樣性以單一用途類別佔58.5%,具有兩項以上用途佔41.5%。台灣赤楊、栓皮櫟、山枇杷、山葛、烏皮九芎為用途多樣性最高之植物,分別具6項用途。在用途細目多樣性中,單一用途細目佔50.1%,具有兩項以上用途細目佔49.9%。櫸有14項細目用途,為用途細目多樣性最高之植物。共紀錄144科896種之賽德克植物語彙中,Towda 語系787種、Truku語系 616種及Tgdaya語系487種。族人辨識、歸類植物依其植株特徵、生育環境及利用部位。經由本次民族植物調查,得悉泰雅族賽德克亞族利用植物方式,可做為植物資源保育與永續利用的依據,藉以建立鄉土教材,培養當地居民對土地情感與自信心。

[ 英文摘要 ]


In order to conserve and extend the wisdom of aborigines in using plants I investigated plants associated with the life and culture of Seediq Atayal tribe in Renai of Nantou county. Through 30 times of field inventories and interviews between July 2000 and February 2003, 4785 plant specimens, including 151 families and 1074 species, were collected and prepared. Among the collections 114 families and 443 species of plants were intimately related to the life and culture of this tribe. As to the category of use, plants were predominantly used for food and also used for hunting, architectural material, living utensil, medicine, agricultural material, weaving material, exchange, toy, fuel, ceremony, and musical instrument although in decreasing importance. Plants of Compositae, Gramineae and Rosaceae were more frequently utilized than those of other families. As to the diversity of use-category, 58.5% of the useful plants had only one kind and the others had more than one kind of use-category. Alnus formosana, Quercus variabilis, Eriobotrya deflexa, Pueraria montana and Styrax formosana had the highest diversity in use-category and each species had six types of uses. As to the diversity of use-item, 50.1% of the useful plants had only single kind and the others had more than one kind of use-item. Zelkova serrata had the highest diversity in use-item. There were 896 species of plants which could be called and recorded in languages of Seediq Atayal and 787 species in dialect of Towda, 616 in Truku, and 487 in Tgdaya. Seediq people identify or recognize plants by their traits, growing environment and utilized parts. Possible means of conservation and sustainable use of these plant resources are discussed.