依類型 族群 主題   
1999.06.01 ~ 2001.06.01
當泰雅族學童「遇到」科學家---探討不同族群背景學童之科學家意象(When Atayal students Met Scientist:Investigate the Image of Scientist for different tribes students)
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 一般教育  
作者 鍾孟蓉(Meng-Rung Chung )
學校系所 國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]


一、 藉由探究學生的科學家意象,的確可發現蘊含其中學生對科學的態度、以及自我概念,於此針對泰雅族學童,也同時發現文化認同的軌跡。認同自己族群在科學中有所表現的泰雅族學生,他們心目中的科學家意象就是原住民科學家,本身對科學也持較高的興趣。

二、 在泰雅學童的科學家意象表徵中,存在著泰雅文化精神,學生會以己身背景、生活經驗來臆想科學家。

三、 當學生在面對相關科學家訊息時,關注的焦點會受其所持有的科學家意象所左右。而學生的科學家意象不僅反應其對科學家的想法,還蘊含著文化精神。因此,不同文化背景學生在面對科學訊息時,關切的面向、採取的態度是不同的。


[ 英文摘要 ]

Based upon the viewpoint of culture contact, the intent of this study is to investigate the images of scientist for two different racial (Atayal and non-Atayal) subjects. How Atayal world-view functions among the Atayal students’ image is the focus. Related investigation concerns what the subjects most care when deal with this issue. Multiple methods, such as questionnaire, interview, context description and field notes are all employed to collect data. Cross data analysis leads to the following results:

1. Subjects’ self-concept and attitude towards science is implicated among their images about scientists. The Atayal students’ cultural recognition can be also found. For those think the Atayal can be successful in science with the images of aboriginal scientist are more interested in learning science.

2. The representations of Atayal images of scientist are speculated from their living ground and experience that underlies the cultural ethos.

3. Reactions of subjects, when dealing with related issues, are guided by their scientist images. The images reflect subjects’ thinking and cultural ethos. This result in the difference of what they care and how they react according to different ethnicity.

Finally, implications for scientific teaching and suggestions for further research are discussed.