依類型 族群 主題   
1997.06.01 ~ 1999.06.01
國小六年級學生對野生動物保育的知識、態度及行為之研究(Sixth Grade Students'''''''' Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Wildlife Conservation)
族群: 泰雅族 、太魯閣族 、賽德克族   
主題: 環境生態保育、學術研究  
作者 洪俐玲(Li-ling Hung )
學校系所 國立花蓮師範學院國小科學教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]



1. 國小六年級學生野生動物保育知識的來源以大眾傳播媒體為主,其次為學校課程與文字資料,自親朋好友處得知的則占少數。

2. 在「國小學生野生動物保育知識測驗卷」的得分上,男生與女生之間無顯著差異。非原住民與原住民學生之間、不同社經地位學生之間以及不同居住地區學生之間,其差異分別達統計上的顯著水準。

3. 在「國小學生野生動物保育態度問卷」的得分上,男生與女生之間無顯著差異。非原住民與原住民學生之間、不同社經地位學生之間以及不同居住地區學生之間,其差異分別達統計上的顯著水準。

4. 在「國小學生野生動物保育行為問卷」的得分上,男生與女生之間無顯著差異。非原住民與原住民學生之間、不同社經地位學生之間以及不同居住地區學生之間,其差異分別達統計上的顯著水準。

5. 國小六年級學生的野生動物保育知識、野生動物保育態度與野生動物保育行為之間呈顯著正相關。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The purpose of this study is to investigate sixth grade students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards wildlife conservation. A questionnaire developed by the researcher together with interview method are used as research tools in order to collect related data.

211 subjects including non-aboriginal and aboriginal sixth grade students come from urban (Hualien) , rural (Hsincheng and Shoufeng) and aboriginal area (Hsiulin, Wanjung, and Chohsi). Aboriginal students all belong to Atayal natives.

The main findings of this study are:

1. The major source of sixth grade students’ wildlife conservation knowledge comes from mass media, then secondly from school curriculum and printed material. Only a small portion comes from family or friends.

2. In students’ knowledge towards wildlife conservation: there is no significant difference between male and female students; there is significant difference between non-aboriginal and aboriginal students; there are significant differences

between different socioeconomic status students; there are significant differences between urban, rural and aboriginal area students.

3. In students’ attitudes towards wildlife conservation: there is no significant difference between male and female students; there is significant difference between non-aboriginal and aboriginal students; there are significant differences

between different socioeconomic status students; there are significant differences between urban, rural and aboriginal area students.

4. In students’ behaviors towards wildlife conservation: there is no significant difference between male and female students; there is significant difference between non-aboriginal and aboriginal students; there are significant differences

between different socioeconomic status students; there are significant differences between urban, rural and aboriginal area students.

5. There is significant correlation between sixth grade students’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards wildlife conservation.