依類型 族群 主題   
2000.03.01 ~ 2000.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 社會關懷  
主持人 黃源協、詹宜璋
執行單位 國立暨南國際大學
地點 全臺 全部  

英文研究名稱:A Study on Buliding Social Work for Tribe Aboringinals

山地原住民的社會生活條件遠不及主流社會的一般民眾,為社會所普遍認知到的事實,縮小兩者間的差距必須要能由多方面著手;其中,如何建構一套完善的福利服務輸送,對改善原民的的生活有其重要迫切性;而一套有效率、有效能的福利服務輸送體系,則必須要能有一套健全的社會工作體系做為後盾。基於此,本研究之目的歸納如下: 1. 探討加拿大、美國、澳洲和紐西蘭的原住民福利服務輸送與運用狀況,以做為國內原住民福利服務相關政策與措施之參考。 2. 探討以部落為基礎之原住民福利服務需求的狀況,並分析為滿足其福利需求之相關資源。 3. 探討山地原住民福利服務輸送所遭遇的難題,並建構解決難題之務實的因應策略。 4. 探討山地原住民社工員與輔導員的工作模式,一方面可掌握服務對象的真正問題;另一方面可分析服務輸送方面可改善之制度面以及技巧和方法上的問題。 5. 綜合山地原住民的部落特性、服務需求、以及既有的相關服務資源之運作狀況,以供建構一套以部落為基礎之整合性的福利服務輸送模式。 6. 分析原住民社工員與生活輔導員在福利服務輸送上,為提供原住民高品質的福利服務,所應具備之社會工作的相關知識、價值與技巧。 7. 藉由前述的各項努力,包括國外經驗的檢視,及國內問題的實務訪視所得,以建構一套符合原住民需求之原住民社會工作的體系,以落實政府實踐滿足原住民福利服務需求的政策。It is a fact that the social conditions of aboriginals are far way behind people in the mainstream society. Closing the gap between both side must be done through various strategies. Among them, in order to improve aboriginal life, how to build a sound system of delivering welfare services has been an urgent event. An efficient and effective system for delivering welfare services must be based on a well-found social work system. For this reason, this study aims to: 1. To explore the aboriginal welfare service and delivery system in Canada, America, Australia and New Zealand, and by doing so, to provide lessons for designing aboriginal welfare service policies and practices in Taiwan. 2. To explore aboriginal welfare needs on tribe, and to analyse resources available to meet their needs. 3. To explore difficulties in delivering services for aboriginal people in tribes, and further, to build strategies for solutions. 4. To explore work model of current aboriginal social workers on tribe, and by doing so, to understand user’s real needs or problems and to improve their skill and knowledge in delivering social welfare services. 5. To build a tribe-based integrated welfare services model by comprehending tribal traits, services needs and current resources. 6. To analyse related knowledge, value and skill aboriginal social workers should have, in order to benefit the quality of welfare services. 7. To build a sound aboriginal social work system in tribe, in order to carry out government’s policy of closing the gap between aboriginal and general people.


英文關鍵字:Tribe Aboriginals;Social Work;Social Work System.