依類型 族群 主題   
2000.03.01 ~ 2000.12.31
原住民保留地高經濟作物發展潛力之研究Evaluation of The Production and Protection for Developing Economic Crops in Aboriginal Area
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治、農耕漁獵  
主持人 何婉清、張念台
執行單位 國立屏東科技大學植物保護系
地點 全臺 全部  

為充分利用原住民保留地,提升原住民農耕技術,創造原住民財富,並確實遵循山地水土保持法規,是本計畫之宗旨。本計畫擬針對原住民鄉可能栽種之特有作物或高經濟作物;如原生作物或平地目前推廣之高經濟花卉或蔬菜等進行評估,篩選具發展潛力之作物,加以規劃與進行栽培模式研究。此不但有助於原住民充分及合理利用土地資源,同時能落實兼顧水土保持與環境保護之理念,更因為高經濟作物之特殊環境需求,而能建立地區化生產專業區,體高原住民之生產技術與收益,並提升原住民鄉整體的環境與生活品質。Well utilizing the aboriginal area, increasing aboriginal`s culture techniques in agriculture, creating aboriginal`s wealth, and obeying the rules of soil and water conservation, that are the purposes of this proposal. The research schedules of the whole proposal are (1)To screen the crops with higher economic and suitable for growing in the mountain from original plants and cultivated crops in the plain form, (2)To develop a strategy with soil and water conservation for crop culture and pest management, (3)To evaluate the economic benefit of crop production, (4)To develop and extent a production model of these high economic crop in aboriginal area, to get real benefits to aboriginal.


英文關鍵字:Aboringinal Area;Economic Crops;Developing.