依類型 族群 主題   
2002.09.01 ~ 2003.05.31
原住民女性單親家庭經濟發展模式之研究A Research of the Economical Development Model for Aboriginal Female Single Parent''s Family
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 產業經濟、社會關懷  
主持人 陳宇嘉
執行單位 國立屏東科技大學社會工作系
地點 全臺 全部  

The aboriginal female single parent''s family has always been the most disadvantage group in all vulnerable population. Most of them are in lower income, education and unemployment. This research deals this population in whole Taiwan. The literature review shows four economical development models have been found. They are education integration model, employment training model, employment service model and social service model. A survey of one thousand samples randomized from population of aboriginal female single parent''s family will be conducted. Suggestions to three sectors: public sector, community or voluntary sector and aboriginal female single parent''s
family are to be brought up in the final report.
英文關鍵字:aboriginal;aboriginal female single parent’s family;economical development model.

研究成果 原住民女性單親家庭的研究.zip