依類型 族群 主題   
2003.03.01 ~ 2003.12.31
原住民部落災後醫療與社會復健模式之現況及其需求調查之研究(II)Research on the Model of Disaster Medicine and Social Reconstruction of Aboriginal Communities (II)
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 災害防救  
主持人 鴻義章
執行單位 慈濟大學原住民健康研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

我們在研究之中,國內外Model的探討發現,災後緊急醫療的部份,以睦鄰救護隊(Neighborhood Rescue Team,NRT)的模式最能符合台灣現況;另外在近幾年台灣的災後重建工作上,社區營造的理念更加的落實在各地,於是我們進行今年度的調查工作,將緊急醫療和社區復健的兩個模式發展。
The main purpose of this study was to design and verify the disaster health response and social rehabilitation models of the disaster impact areas of the aboriginal villages. This study started in 2002 and will be finished in 2006. The main objective of the preliminary study was to investigate the current status, including policy, training and resources of community disaster response and social rehabilitation plans. We surveyed the social functions and the damage in five aboriginal villages that was stricken by natural disasters recently. Most of the data were collected from official documents and some of them by literature review. We also interviewed some community leaders and key persons of these villages. The consequences and damages of these disasters were analyzed. Results of this study revealed that the quantities and allocation of resources were not adequate for local demands in case of disasters. A training program, which consisted of basic disaster response concepts, basic life support, and light search and rescue skills, was mandatory in medical resources scarce communities. Furthermore, we developed a template for disaster data bank for aborigines. A disaster vulnerability assessment checklist was proposed for evaluating the risk in aboriginal communities. It is recommended that cultural-tailored strategies and policies should be implemented in aboriginal communities.

研究成果 原住民部落災後緊急醫療與社區復健模式之現況及其需求調查之研究(92年12月).pdf