依類型 族群 主題   
2001.12.01 ~ 2002.12.31
原住民保留地土地專屬法庭設置研究(The Research on the Establishment of Aboriginal Courts in Taiwan)
族群: 澳洲原住民、跨族群  
主題: 法律政治  
主持人 王泰升、楊志航、林佳陵
執行單位 國立台灣大學法律學系
地點 全臺 全部  

一般而言,今之原住民族保留地制度源自日治時期。依1948年的一項行政命令,漢人(平地人)被禁止買賣抵押交換贈與保留地。但中華民國政府自1960年起改變政策,允許漢人(平地人)申請租用、使用保留地。其所造成的結果是,如今原漢混居於保留地。此外,從1966年起,私法上的個人所有權概念被引進保留地,以致保留地內有些是私人所有,其餘則是由國家所有。現行法上有關原住民族保留地的法令相當複雜,而中華民國法院對此也有時候會出現見解相異的判決。依實證調查顯示,涉及保留地的民事訴訟事件兩造當事人,經常是一位為原住民、另一位為漢人(平地人)。漢人當事人通常較原住民當事人為熟悉中華民國法律,且前者的經濟能力也一般而言優於後者,故原住民當事人處於弱勢。這些民事訴訟事件的判決結果,無疑地將影響到原住民族對保留地的利用。一旦失去了土地,原住民族文化亦將消失。此外,在刑事訴訟案件裡,原住民常遭某些在原住民社會中不認為犯罪的罪名所指控。因此,急迫地需要一個由對原住民族文化有理解的法官所組成的特別法院,來審理這些民刑事訴訟。本計畫旨在,依據現行法令,設計出一個符合此需要的方案。為參考其他國家的經驗,本計畫的研究者前往紐西蘭拜訪當地的毛利土地法院。本報告特別注意到毛利土地法院的設置目的,以及實際上所能發揮的作用。我們探究其法官的任用、毛利土地法院與該國一般法院之間的關係、毛利土地法院的特殊訴訟上程序等等。因為台灣並非英美法系國家,故不可能全盤照抄紐西蘭毛利土地法院制度,但可採取該制度的基本精神。為踏出第一步,台灣法應在現有法院體系中成立「專業法庭」,以之審理涉及原住民族保留地的民事事件,以及被告為原住民的刑事案件。同時,中華民國政府應著手大規模地調查原住民族習慣,以應司法乃至立法之需。為進一步改善原住民族在司法上的處境,需對現行法令有所修改。經由立法的手段,才能完成「原住民族法院」的建置工作。Generally speaking, the system of aboriginal reservations in present Taiwan derived from the Japanese government in colonial Taiwan. The Han Chinese in Taiwan were therefore prohibited from using land in aboriginal reservations in accordance with a regulation in 1948. However, Han Chinese were permitted to lease land in aboriginal reservations since the ROC government changed its policy in 1960. As a result, aborigines and Han Chinese habitants mixed in aboriginal reservations today. The ownership in private law was also introduced to aboriginal reservations after 1966. Consequently, some in reservations belong to aboriginal individuals, but others belong to the state. The laws relating to aboriginal reservations thus become complicated. The ROC courts sometimes have different interpretations about those laws. According to investigations, the parties in the civil lawsuits involving aboriginal reservations are often aborigines and Han Chinese. Han Chinese litigants are usually more familiar with the ROC law than aboriginal litigants. Moreover, the Han Chinese citizens in general are richer than the aboriginal citizens. The result of those litigations, however, will affect the use of reservations. Without land, the aboriginal culture will disappear. In addition, aboriginal suspects in criminal cases are fluently charged a crime that was not blamed at all in aboriginal society. The need for a special court system in which judges are familiar with aboriginal culture is therefore urgent. This project wants to submit such a proposal in accordance with present laws. For the purpose of referring to experiences of other countries, researchers went to New Zealand to visit the Maori land court therein. This report pays much attention to the purposes and actual contributions of Maori land court. We examine the appointment of judges, the relationship between the Maori land court and the ordinary court, the special proceeding of the Maori land court and so on. It is not possible for Taiwan to completely copy the Maori land court because Taiwan is not a country of common law system. However, the Taiwanese law should adopt the basic spirit of the Maori land court. As a first step, the Taiwanese law should established a "special section" in courts to deal with civil lawsuits involving aboriginal reservations and criminal lawsuits involving aboriginal defendants. Meanwhile, the ROC government is expected to investigate aboriginal customs right away. For further improving the aboriginal justice, it is necessary to modify some of present laws. By such legislative measures, a system of aboriginal courts will be completed.
英文關鍵字:Taiwan aborigines;aboriginal court;Maori;aboriginal reservations.