依類型 族群 主題   
2013.12.01 ~ 2013.12.31
族群: 布農族   
主題: 綜合行政、族群教育  
作者 賴秦瑩;吳惠如;郭俊巖;王德睦
期刊名 《社會政策與社會工作學刊》17卷2期, (2013年): 頁213-258。
地點 南投縣 信義鄉    

關鍵詞:原住民; 貧窮; 弱勢教育; 社會福利; 全球化; Indigenous; Poverty; Disadvantaged education; Social welfare; Globalization;


英文摘要:The main purposes of this study are to investigate the disadvantaged educational and education welfare issues in the indigenous villages in Taiwan, and to identify the causes to the limitation of tribe development. Using interviews with three Bunun principals in Xinyi Township for qualitative data collection and analysis, the results show that Xinyi Township faces many difficult issues, including limited industrial development and work opportunities in the tribes, difficulties to make a living, lack of resources for extra training after school, weak parenting skills in many tribes, and lack of various learning resources at schools in the remote mountain areas. The aforementioned outcomes lead to low academic achievement among indigenous students in tribes. Even provided with extra points for the college entrance examinations, the indigenous students in tribes cannot compete with the indigenous students living in urban areas academically, letting alone Han students. Based on the results, researchers of this study proposed several guidelines for improving living opportunities in the indigenous villages and the learning effectiveness of the students living in tribes: 1) to expand the power and responsibilities of Council of Indigenous Peoples and to put the indigenous village development plan into practice; 2) to keep the extra points policy and to review the ethnic language certification system; 3) to strengthen the collaboration between schools in indigenous villages and non-governmental social welfare institutions; 4) to promote remedial education strategies of boarding school and after-school tutoring; 5) to increase the number of indigenous teachers in indigenous villages and, systemically, train youths for academic leadership.

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