依類型 族群 主題   
2020.06.01 ~ 2020.06.30
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、學術研究  
作者 林思騏、陳盛賢、Lin, Szu-chi、Chen, Sheng-hsien
期刊名 《教育理論與實踐學刊》41期, (2020年): 頁1-15。
地點 全臺 全部  

關鍵詞:原住民族教育政策; 歷史制度論; 關鍵時刻; Education policy for indigenous people; Historical institutionalism analysis; Crucial moment


英文摘要:This Research from the perspective of historical institutionalism reviewed the dynamic of change in implementing aboriginal education policy over the past ten years. This Research depicted the path that aborigine education policy has executed and also detailed the critical factors by which policy changes have been influenced in the process. From the viewpoint of historical institutionalism, the external factors impacting on the aboriginal education policies have contributed to our significant choices during two interim periods in the developing path. In the second interim period, the government demonstrated respects and supports regarding aboriginal education policies, thereby diversifying the development of the policy. The result suggested that: 1. Indigenous education should achieve a balanced development opportunity in general education and national education; 2. Indigenous education should cultivate the profession knowledge of the original students to keep them competitive; 3. Indigenous education should construct a sense of recognition to the homeland to which each student's community belongs, thereby creating the feature of transforming local culture. 

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