依類型 族群 主題   
數位說故事教學法研究 - 以原住民語言推行教學為例
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群語言、族群教育  
作者 高美英
學校系所 醒吾科技大學資訊科技應用系
地點 全臺 全部  

近年電腦科技進步與網際網路應用多元普及是現代人類文明進步的趨勢,非常適合運用於語言學習與振興教學的發展, 根據調查國內外許多母語教學已經開始結合此主流方式進行新型態的教學。而且語言不僅僅是人與人溝通的工具‚語言更是體驗社會、傳承歷史內涵的媒介,與現實生活表達情感互相依存的重要工具,如何善加利用此數位優勢進行母語教學推廣是值得深入研究的課題。

In recent years, the advancement of computer science and technology and the diversified popularization of Internet applications are the trend of the progress of modern human civilization. They are very suitable for the development of language learning and revitalization of teaching. According to surveys, many native language teaching at home and abroad have already begun to combine this mainstream method for new styles. teaching. Moreover, language is not only a tool for communication between people. Language is also a medium for experiencing society and inheriting historical connotations. It is an important tool for expressing emotions in real life. How to make good use of this digital advantage to promote mother tongue teaching is worthy of in-depth research Subject.
Judging from the researchers'' years of national language teaching experience and investment, it is an important and meaningful task to strengthen the effectiveness of mother tongue teaching and improve the quality of teaching. According to research and investigations, all ethnic groups in Taiwan are facing the dilemma of the inheritance of their mother tongue. Among them, the aboriginal language gap is the most serious. Since the researcher''s job is to participate in the indigenous people’s mother tongue inheritance promotion project, he tries to use innovative information technology and digital storytelling teaching methods to improve the actual teaching effect.
This research mainly uses four research methods: """"document analysis"""", """"textbook document design"""", """"teaching plan"""" and """"interview method"""", combined with the current teachers’ aboriginal culture mother tongue teaching promotion work activities into the teaching method of digital storybooks. Then evaluate the teaching status after use; secondly, use the strategy of language marketing, design and teach digital lesson plans in the language promotion project work, and finally conduct the case study and analysis of the mother tongue teaching promotion work. The results of the study show that the innovative teaching method of digital storytelling can improve the problem of poor performance in the native language teaching of the indigenous people in the past. At the same time, there will be a good improvement in the learning motivation, learning attitude, and course satisfaction of most students. Practical teaching shows that the use of digital photography or video recording to produce stories about indigenous culture in the promotion of mother tongue teaching can indeed improve students’ learning effectiveness and increase their sense of identity with indigenous culture. Finally, the implementation performance of this research is evaluated. Using the advantages of this digital platform to promote mother tongue teaching can effectively improve the overall teaching effectiveness. This innovative teaching model can also provide further reference for subsequent researchers.