依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 部落發展、部落建設  
作者 林立捷
學校系所 國立政治大學地政學系碩士在職專班
地點 新竹縣 尖石鄉    

鎮西堡部落及斯馬庫斯(新光)部落的生計,主要以農業為主,觀光業為輔,部落尚有其他非經濟性生計活動。傳統上,泰雅族部落從事生計活動是以qutux niqan(共食團體)組織集體行動,享有共同信仰Utux(善靈),及遵循Gaga(規範)。於基督教傳入部落後,qutux niqan的sbayux(換工)功能由教會「奉工」取代,qutux niqan成員範圍似乎擴及教會組織。為了新型態生計需求,部落也發展出大大小小的工作團隊組織。部落會議於2019年正式成立後,成為部落公共事務最主要的溝通平台。這些部落內的組織發展均與部落從事生計活動具備自我組織能力有關,與部落緩衝能力及學習能力,三者交互影響部落生計韌性。
本研究結果顯示,鎮西堡及新光部落擁有自然資本,利用土地及生態環境發展其生計,具有緩衝能力。又部落有qutux niqan網絡組織,遵守Gaga規範及制度,qutux niqan網絡擴展到基督教會、部落或工作團隊。部落會議運作中,部落公約制定融入Gaga規範精神,透過部落會議的平台,溝通部落內部歧異,凝聚部落共識及向心力,使部落具備自我組織能力。再者,部落的耆老有Gaga的智慧及傳統生態知識,能用以應對衝擊,並帶領部落轉型生計模式,具備學習能力。在部落生計多樣化分析下,展現經濟性生計、非經濟性生計、農作物、社群組織、生物等多樣性特徵,使部落生計具備韌性。

This study is to explore while the livelihood activities of the Cinsbu and Smangus (Xinguang) indigenous communities are in the face of impacts and stress, how the indigenous communities respond and ease them so that communities can enhance resilience of livelihoods. The study uses ‘Livelihood Resilience Assessment Framework’ which contains ‘buffer capacity’, ‘self-organization’, and ‘capacity for learning’ to analyze communities’ attributes to show their livelihood resilience while ommunities are subjected to livelihood impact.
The livelihood development of Cinsbu and Smangus (Xinguang) indigenous communities is mainly engaged in farming, tourism second, and other non-economic livelihood activities. Traditionally, Tayal people are engaged in livelihood activities based on ‘qutux niqan (which means a group for eating together)’ with collective actions. They believe in ‘Utux (which means good spirits)’ and follow ‘Gaga (which means norm)’. While Christianity introduced into the indigenous communities, the function of ‘Sbayux (which means labor exchange)’ therein qutux niqan was replaced by church’s ‘Service (which means a church group provides labor force for followers’ needs)’. Then the membership of qutux niqan seemed to be extended to the church organization. Large or small workgroups were set up in the indigenous communities to satisfy the new type of livelihood. In 2019, community congress was formally established and soon became main communication platform for public affairs in the communities. The development of these community organizations is related to ‘buffer capacity’, ‘self-organization’, and ‘capacity for learning’ when community members are engaged in livelihood activities. Above three attributes interact with each other and influence the livelihood resilience of indigenous communities.
To begin with, the results show that Cinsbu and Smangus (Xinguang) indigenous communities own natural capital so as to develop their livelihoods by utilization of land and its environment. It contributes to ‘buffer capacity’. Second, the communal ‘qutux niqan’ network organizations abide by Gaga’s norms and institutions and extends to Christ church, communities, and workgroup. On community congress meetings, Gaga spirit integrates into community conventions and communal members can communicate inner differences to build consensus by such platform so that communities possess self-organization. Third, the indigenous elders who have Gaga’s wisdom and traditional ecological knowledge, can cope with impacts and adjust communal livelihoods. It contributes to capacity for learning. Moreover, based on the diversity analysis of communal livelihoods, diversity characteristics such as economic and non-economic livelihood, crops, social group, biology etc. of which it contains makes communities’ livelihoods resilience.
According to findings, the features of livelihood resilience were summed up. However, the inner community possibly exists deficiencies of livelihood resilience while there are differences and conflicts of interest among inner communal families and households between two indigenous communities, and livelihood activity is a dynamic phenomenon. Eventually, this study proposes specific suggestions for indigenous communities and government to enhance communal livelihood resilience.