依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育  
作者 丁楹馨
學校系所 國立東華大學教育與潛能開發學系
地點 全臺 全部  


The study adopted the content analysis methods which based on the grammar of visual design. The researcher used the grammar of visual design’s three metafunctions, namely ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction, and textual metafunction which conducted the research design for the qualitative study. The researcher coded and analyzed the Indigenous text layouts and Indigenous images in Taiwan elementary school Mandarin textbooks. The purpose of the study was four-fold: 1. To explore the design of Taiwan Indigenous images in elementary school Mandarin textbooks between different versions. 2. To explore the perspectives of Taiwan Indigenous images in elementary school Mandarin textbooks between different versions. 3. To explore the perspectives of Taiwan Indigenous text layouts in elementary school Mandarin textbooks between different versions. 4. To explore the Taiwan Indigenous text layouts’ composition of meaning in elementary school Mandarin textbooks between different versions.The findings were as following: 1. The Taiwan Indigenous images’ design of Nani, Kang Hsuan, and Han Lin which was little difference in the structure of the images, and it attached importance to the transmission of messages through images to echo the content of the text to help the elementary school students learn. 2. The Taiwan Indigenous images of Nani, Kang Hsuan, and Han Lin alienated in the creation of interpersonal relationships, which were not easy for readers to establish close relationships with the text through images. 3. In the text layouts of the Indigenous authors, the perspectives were all from the Indigenous people, and the content emphasized the self-identity of the Indigenous people. Additionally, in the text layouts of non-indigenous authors, the perspectives were from the cultural observers, and the content emphasized the identity, and the cultural characteristics of the Indigenous people. 4. The Taiwan Indigenous text layouts of Nani, Kang Hsuan, and Han Lin were with the most polarized structures, and through the layout design of the text above and the images below which created more stable visual effects for students.