依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、醫療保健、部落活動  
作者 江美枝
學校系所 國立屏東科技大學休閒運動健康系所
地點 全臺 全部  

目的:本研究旨在探討階梯運動對原住民女性體適能及身體組成之影響。以屏東縣原住民女性共15名為研究對象,平均年齡43.47±6.91歲,平均體重65.07±7.36公斤,平均體脂率37.41±4.12%。研究方法:所有受試者在階梯運動介入前、後均需接受體適能(三分鐘登階、仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、手握力)及身體組成(體重、身體質量指數BMI、骨骼肌重、體脂肪率、體脂肪重、基礎代謝率、腰臀圍比、腰圍)等測量。階梯運動課程為期10週每週2次,每次1小時。收集資料以成對樣本-T檢定(pair-t test)進行統計分析。研究結果:(ㄧ)體適能部分,三分鐘登階和坐姿體前彎之表現前後測有顯著差異,後測表現優於前測;仰臥起坐和手握力之表則前後測無顯著差異。(二)身體組成測量部份,體脂肪率、體脂肪重、腰圍、臀腰圍百分比皆顯著減少,骨骼肌重顯著增加,而體重、BMI及基礎代謝率則無顯著差異。結論:10週階梯運動增進原住民女性之心肺適能及柔軟度,並降低體脂肪率、體脂肪重、腰臀圍比、腰圍,提升骨骼肌肉重。
關鍵字: 原住民、階梯有氧、體適能、身體組成、阻力訓練

Purpose : This study is to explore the Effects of step exercise on the physical fitness and composition in indigenous women. Methods : 15 Aboriginal women in Pingtung County were studied, with an average age of 43.47±6.91 years, the average weight was 65.07±7.36 kg, and the average body fat rate was 37.41±4.12%. All subjects required physical fitness (3-min Step Test, one minute sit-ups test, sit and reach test, grip strength) and body composition (body weight, body mass index (BMI), skeletal muscle weight, body fat percentage) before and after the experiment. Step exercise is 1 hour for twice a week. Using a pair-t test for statistical analysis. Results: (1) There is a significant difference between the 3-min Step Test and the sit and reach test before and after the performance. The post-test performance is better than the pre-test. (2) Body fat percentage, body fat weight, waist circumference, hip waist percentage were significantly reduced, skeletal muscle weight increased significantly, and body weight, BMI and basal metabolic rate were not significantly different. Conclusion: The 10-week step exercise enhances the cardio-respiratory fitness and softness of aboriginal women, and reduces body fat percentage, body fat weight, waist-to-hip ratio, waist circumference, and increases skeletal muscle weight. It is recommended that Aboriginal women should regularly exercise to improve their physical fitness and maintain a good body composition; follow-up studies can increase the number of male aborigines as research subjects or explore the benefits of different types of exercise.
Key words: indigenous, step exercise, physical fitness, body composition,
Resistance training