依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 交通運輸  
作者 邱愛婷
學校系所 中華科技大學航空運輸研究所
地點 新竹縣 尖石鄉    


With the advance of technology, growth of the economy, and the impact of globalization, the knowledge and the life of quality of the aboriginal increase significantly, even though living in some rural area.
For many aboriginals, the willingness of flight traveling and tourism increases gradually. However, it is projected pessimistically for the tourism industry due to the impact of COVID-19 for the past two years. The government and businesses are also making strategies and measures to respond to the impact of the pandemic. Nevertheless, the aboriginals do not lose the expectation of taking a flight to travel abroad whenever the COVID-19 is under control.
Consequently, this study - traveling out of the country through aircraft for special ethnic groups focuses on the determination factors. With the in-depth interview and semi-structured survey collection data analysis, the results are summarized below. First, safety and health is the top priority of outward travel determination factors for the aboriginals. Second, expense budget is the top priority of inward travel determination factor for the aboriginals. Third, there is a significant impact between expense budget and traveling schedule. Lastly, there is a significant travel experience difference between the profession and education background of the aboriginals.