研究計畫(18) 博碩士論文(59) 期刊論文(13)
「部落觀光」的危機與轉機:以嘉義縣阿里山鄉里佳社區之觀光發展為例 The Crisis and Chance of “Tribal Tourism”: An Instance of Lejia Community in Alishan Township in Chiayi County.
部落、學校與家庭對原住民教育的影響-以阿里山山美部落為例(The effects of tribe,school and family on aborigines'''' education---Take Savigi Tribe in Mt.Ali for example)
阿里山鄉原住民婦女婚暴受虐之生活經驗探究(A study on the lived experience of marital violence experienced by aboriginal women in Alishan)
原住民兒童死亡相關概念及其影響因素之研究:以山美地區鄒族學童為例(The death concept of the aborigine children: an instance of Shan-mei elementary school students.)
探討超氧化物歧化酶與鄒族退化性關節炎的關係及重金屬污染對分子之影響(Study on the Cu,Zn-SOD gene of the Tsou’s osteoarthritis and the possibile effect from environmental toxic metals to the Cu,Zn-SOD molecule)
臺灣原住民族自治區設置探討 以阿里山鄉鄒族為例
表演藝術與社區文化:以鄒族舞蹈及文化展示為例之研究(Performance Art and Community Culture:A Case Study of Tsou''''s Dance and Culture Presentation)
教育做為原住民部落「社區總體營造」的可能與侷限性─以達邦國小為例(Possibility and Limitation of Using Education for Community Total Development of Aboriginal Tribe:the Case Study of Ta-Pang Elementary School)
遊客對原住民社區發展生態旅遊知覺及態度之研究:以達娜伊谷為例(Visitor''''s Perception and Attitude Toward Ecotourism: the case of Savaki Ecology Park)
台南科學工業園區三抱竹遺址烏山頭期社會之重建-一個社會考古學的實踐(The Reconstruction of the Wu-san-tou Stage Society in the San-pau-chu Site of Tainan Science-based Industrial Park: a Social Archaeological practice)
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