研究計畫(46) 博碩士論文(247) 期刊論文(45)
原住民大專中輟生學習模式之研究:南澳鄉碧候部落為例(A Research on Learning Pattern of Aboriginal College Dropouts)
桃園縣泰雅族中輟學生復學成因探討---文化與區位觀點(The Causes of Dropout Recovery in An Aboriginal Atayal Community in Taoyuan County:A Cultural and Ecological Perspective)
台灣原住民疾病認知與治療行為之研究-以桃園縣復興鄉泰雅族為例(Disease Cognition and Heal Behavior for Aborigines in Taiwan : In the Case of Atayal Tribe in Fushing Township of Taoyuan County)
從宜蘭縣大同鄉崙埤部落的社區營造歷程探討原住民社造政策的落實(A Case Study of the Practice and Implementation of Community Empowerment Policies in Indigenous Tribes─Lunpi,Yilan.)
桃園縣原住民部落社區大學組織運作之研究(Study of Organizational Operation in Aboriginal Community College of Tao-Yuan County)
山地原住民無菸家庭之初探性研究—以南投縣仁愛鄉為例(A Preliminary Study on Smoking-Free Homes among Aboriginal Residents in Ren-Ai Township of Nantou County)
遊客對原住民觀光文化產品真實性認知之研究-以泰雅族編織工藝品為例(Tourists’ Perceived Authenticity of Aboriginal Cultural Products–An Example of Atayal’s Weaving Handicrafts)
從祖源觀念爭議論當代「泰雅族」歷史記憶的建構Sm’inu puqing kinhulan na Tayal
耶穌能做什麼? —馬里光泰雅人的幸福之路—(What can Jesus do? The Mrqwang Atayal people''s road of happiness)
高海拔山區原住民對生態旅遊及國土復育政策態度之研究-以梨山地區為例(A Study on The High-Altitude Mountain Area Aborigines’ Attitudes Toward The Development of Ecotourism and National Policy-A Case Study of Lishan Area)
從權益關係人觀點探討原住民社區永續發展的推動機制(Case study on Indigenous community sustainable development from the viewpoint of stakeholder)
在花蓮不同族群中cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) 主要基因型分佈(Distribution of the major cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) genotypes in different ethnic groups in Hualien)
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