研究計畫(30) 博碩士論文(171) 期刊論文(24)
花蓮縣壽豐鄉光榮部落庭園植物多樣性之研究(Study on Biodiversity of Homegarden Plants in Guang Rung Village )
從地方本位課程探究國小原住民學童自然科學習之研究(A Study of Place-Based Education in Elementary Aboriginal Science Classes)
花蓮太巴塱部落的工藝社造以阿美族染料植物的使用為例(Community empowered by craft of a tribal unit of Tafalong in Hualien– an example of take the usage of the dye plants by Amis)
在花蓮不同族群中cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) 主要基因型分佈(Distribution of the major cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) genotypes in different ethnic groups in Hualien)
台東縣國小高年級漢、原學童數字感差異之研究(A Study of the Performance of Number Sense and its Differences between the Hans and the Aborigines’ Students)
原住民參與部落大學學習動機與滿意度之研究- 以高雄市海洋民族大學為例(A Study of Learning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction of Indigenous Adult Students in the Tribal College in Kaohsiung Taiwan)
原住民阿美族婚姻感受與共親職之探討--以台北縣市為例(The Research Study of Martial Relationship and Coparenting of Urban Amis Indigenous People Taipei)
村落、親屬與基督宗教─一個南勢阿美村落宗教變遷的研究(Village, Kinship, and Christianity: A Case Study of Religious Change of the Amis Tribe in a Nan-Shih Amis Village)
一個單親原住民學童的生活圖像(The Life Picture of A Single Parent Aboriginal Student)
從阿美族文化探討阿美族學童「時間的測量」概念之研究(The Study of The Concept of Measuring Time Used by Amis Students Based on Amis Culture)
花蓮海神信仰及傳說故事─以大陳人、阿美族人、 噶瑪蘭人為例
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