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2021.06.24 ~ 2021.12.31
六月「南島新視:印尼」線上特展 Austronesian New Vision :Indonesia
族群: 南島語族  
主題: 歷史、藝文活動  
活動地點:全臺 全部

展館說明:16世紀的香料貿易造成西方資本主義與奴隸制跨洋席捲而來,改寫了東南亞島嶼的人群命運。 以荷屬東印度為首的勢力在印尼數百年的統治,側寫下這曾經屬於南島語族人群的歷史樣貌,提供我們理解在千島之洋複雜的人群分布,以及他們最終成功尋求共存與共榮的國家概念。 The spice trade of the 16th century sweep across the oceans of Western capitalism and slavery, reshaping the fate of people on the islands of Southeast Asia. The centuries domination in Indonesia led by the Dutch East Indies have profiled the history of these once Austronesian-speaking peoples providing us with an understanding to the complex distribution of people across the ocean of a thousand islands, and the concept of a nation that eventually succeeded in seeking co-existence and co-prosperity.

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